Course curriculum

    1. Welcome and What to Expect

    2. Introduction for RR Course ( A lengthier intro and back story to how it all began)

    3. Leadership

    4. Relevance

    5. Fulfilment

    1. Week 1 Overview

    2. Relatationship Remedy Guide Book fillable copy

    3. Relationship Remedy Week 1 introduction

    1. Week 2 Overview

    2. Week 2 Introduction

    3. Week 2: Zones of the Dog

    4. Week 2 Phases of Touch and Follow the Dog

    5. Follow the Dog Featuring Harley

    6. Highlights Week 2 Relationship Remedy (group class)

    1. Week 3 Overview

    2. Week 3 Introduction

    3. Week 3 Horse Demo

    4. RR week 3 Demo With Apollo (Recorded Live in Group Class)

    5. Behind the Scenes of the Apollo Demo

    6. " The Dance" . With Apollo

    7. Week 3 Highlights from Group Class

    1. Week 4 Overview

    2. RR Week 4 ( Intro + PMP and Playdrive

    3. RR Week 4 ( categories of toys)

    4. RR Week 4 (overdrive)

    5. RR Week 4 (Nelson Nosework)

    6. Tug Demo with Apollo

    7. Week 4 Highlights from group class

    1. Week 5 Overview

    2. RR Week 5 (Intro)

    3. RR Week 5 ( sociality)

    4. RR Week 5 (Fearful Dog and Layered Stress)

    5. RR Week 5 (OMG ...Ahhh I didn't die moments

    6. Week 5 Highlights from Group Class

About this course

  • $1,497.00
  • 108 lessons
  • 116 hours of video content